Bio-Venta Ltd. has successfully completed ISCC re-certification audit

Bio-Venta Ltd. has successfully completed the ISCC re-certification audit and received a new ISCC certificate

Bio-Venta Ltd. has successfully completed the ISCC re-certification audit and received a new ISCC certificate no. EU-ISCC-Cert-LV227-00000395, valid from April 2, 2024 to April 1, 2025.

This certificate certifies that the biodiesel produced by our company meets the criteria set by the ISCC (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification) system. This means that our biofuel is obtained from raw materials that are grown and harvested sustainably.

ISCC is the world's first nationally recognized certification system that applies uniformly to all agricultural raw materials, including rapeseed, wheat, rye, sugar beet, sugar cane, corn, soy and palm oil traditionally used for energy production. The ISCC system documents the sustainable bioenergy production chain at all stages of the process, from the field to the delivery of the final product. It is now possible to ensure certified raw material traceability at every stage of production, following the criteria of sustainable development.

ISCC focuses on:

  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions;
  • Sustainable management of agricultural areas;
  • Protection of the natural living space;
  • Social sustainability.